Dycotyledoneae (Scrophulariaceae - Ulmaceae)
- Hits: 3651
Plant species of the RMRNP and conservation status | |||||||
Scrophulariaceae | |||||||
1035 | Digitalis feruginea L. | ||||||
1036 | Digitalis viridiflora Lindley | ||||||
1037 | Euphrasia hirtella Jordan ex Reuter | ||||||
1038 | Euphrasia liburnica Wettst. | BY | |||||
1039 | Euphrasia minima Jacq. ex DC. subsp. minima | ||||||
1040 | Euphrasia pectinata Ten. | ||||||
1041 | Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne | ||||||
1042 | Euphrasia stricta D. Wolff ex J.F. Lehm. | ||||||
1043 | Lathraea rhodopeaDingler | BE | VU | ||||
1044 | Linaria genistifolia (L.) Miller subsp. euxina (Velen.) D.A. Sutton | ||||||
1045 | Linaria simplex (Willd.) DC. | ||||||
1046 | Melampymum sylvaticum L. | ||||||
1047 | Odontites verna (Bellardi) Dumort. subsp. serotina (Dumort.) Corb. | ||||||
1048 | Rhinanthus pubescens(sterneck) Soò | EE | |||||
1049 | Rhinanthus rumelicus Velen. | ||||||
1050 | Scrophularia nodosa L. | ||||||
1051 | Scrophularia scopolii Hoppe var. scopolii | ||||||
1052 | Verbascum densiflorum Bertol. | ||||||
1053 | Verbascum glabratum Friv. subsp. glabratum | ||||||
1054 | Verbascum humile Janca | BE | |||||
1055 | Verbascum longifolium Ten. var. pannosum (Vis.) Murb. | BY | |||||
1056 | Verbascum nigrum L. subsp. abietinum (Borbàs) Ferguson | BY | |||||
1057 | Verbascum ovalifolium Donn ex Simms | ||||||
1058 | Verbascum phlomoides L. | ||||||
1059 | Verbascum roripifolium (Halacsy) I.K. Ferguson | BE | |||||
1060 | Verbascum speciosum Schrader subsp. megaphlomos (Boiss. & Heldr.) Nyman | EE | |||||
1061 | Verbascum speciosum Schrader subsp. speciosum | ||||||
1062 | Veronica anagalis - aquatica L. | ||||||
1063 | Veronica austriaca L. | ||||||
1064 | Veronica barrelieri Schott ex Roemer & Schultes | ||||||
1065 | Veronica beccabunga L. | ||||||
1066 | Veronica chamaedrys L. subsp. chamaedrys | ||||||
1067 | Veronica dillenii Crantz | ||||||
1068 | Veronica jacquinii Baumg. | ||||||
1069 | Veronica officinalis L. | ||||||
1070 | Veronica scardica Griseb. | ||||||
1071 | Veronica sepryllifolia L. var. balcanica (Velen) Bornm. | ||||||
1072 | Veronica sepryllifolia L. var. sepryllifolia | ||||||
1073 | Veronica urticifolia Jacq. | ||||||
Solanaceae | |||||||
1074 | Atropa bella-donna L. | ||||||
1075 | Hyoscyamus albus L. | ||||||
1076 | Lycium europaeum L. | ||||||
1077 | Physalis alkekengi L. | ||||||
1078 | Solanum dulcamara L. | ||||||
Tamaricaceae | |||||||
1079 | Tamarix smyrnensis Bunge | ||||||
Thymelaeaceae | |||||||
1080 | Daphne mezereum L. | ||||||
Tiliaceae | |||||||
1081 | Tilia cordata Miller | ||||||
1082 | Tilia tomentosa Moench | ||||||
Ulmaceae | |||||||
1083 | Celtis australis L. | ||||||
1084 | Ulmus glabra Hudson | ||||||
1085 | Ulmus laevis Pallas | ||||||
1086 | Ulmus minor Miller | ||||||
SOURCES: | - Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public works . (2002). Environmental Study of the Rodopi Mountain Range | ||||||
- Hellenic Botanical Society. D. Phitos, T. Consantinidis, G. Kamari. (2009). The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece. | |||||||
- S. Tsiftsis, I. Tsiripidis & C.Vidakis.( 2012). Orchids of Rodopi Mountain - Range National Park. Management Body of Rodopi Mountain - Range National Park. | |||||||
Glossary for the table of the plant species | |||||||
Distribution of endemic plants | |||||||
BE: Endemic of the Balcan peninsula | |||||||
ΒΥ: Sub-endemic of the Balcan peninsula | |||||||
ΕΕ: Greek endimic | |||||||
ΤΕ: Endemic of the RMRNP | |||||||
The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece / IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: | |||||||
CR: Critically Endangered | |||||||
ΕΝ : Endangered | |||||||
VU: Vulnerable | |||||||
ΝΤ: Near Threatened | |||||||
LC: Least Concern | |||||||
DD: Data Deficient | |||||||
ΝΕ: Not Evaluated | |||||||
Bern Convention: | |||||||
I : Appendix I (Strictly protected flora species) | |||||||
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) | |||||||
I : Appendix I (Species that are threatened with extinction and that are or may be affected by international trade) | |||||||
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected flora species) | |||||||
III : Appendix III (Protected flora species) | |||||||
Council Directive 92/43/EEC: | |||||||
II : Annex II (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation) | |||||||
IV: Annex IV (Animal and Plant species of community interest in need of strict protection) | |||||||
V: Annex V (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures) | |||||||