- Hits: 9836
One of the main characteristics of the RMRNP is the rich avifauna. Until now there have been recorded 139 bird species. According to the Natura 2000 network database (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#), 64 species of the Annex I of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC can be found in the SPA areas of the RMRNP, from which 26 of them are migratory. Two of the most important bird species of the RMRNP are the Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L. – Pic. 3) and the Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia L. – Pic. 4). These species are significant because their existence indicates a healthy ecosystem and also because the RMRNP is one of the last resorts in Greece where they can be met. Furthermore the existence of the Western Capercaillie signifies that the forests in which it dwells are cold resistant. Some other representatives of the avifauna of the region are the Golden Eagle (Aguila chrysaetos L.), the Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus Gmelin), the Peregrin Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunstall), the Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo L.), the Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus L.) and the majority of the Woodpecker species(fam. Picidae). (Pic. 1 and 2).
(References: Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public works. (2009). Program reassessment 69 Important Bird Areas for their classification as Special Protection Areas for Birds.)
Following there is an indicative table of the avifauna of he RMRNP:
Avifauna of the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMRNP) and conservation status |
No |
IUCN Red list |
DIRECTIVE 2009/147/EC (An.I) |
Ciconidae |
1 |
Ciconia nigra L. |
Black Stork |
EN |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
II |
Accipitridae |
2 |
Pernis apivorus L. |
Honey Buzzard |
LC |
LC |
+ |
II |
3 |
Neophron percnopterus L. |
Egyptian Vulture |
CR |
EN |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
4 |
Circaetus gallicus Gmelin |
Short-toed Eagle |
NT |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
5 |
Accipiter brevipes Severtsov |
Levant Sparrowhawk |
NE |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
II |
6 |
Accipiter nisus L. |
Sparrowhawk |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
7 |
Accipiter gentilis L. |
Northern Goshawk |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
3 |
Buteo buteo L. |
Common Buzzard |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
9 |
Aquila pomarina C.L. Brehm |
Lesser Spotted Eagle |
EN |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
10 |
Aquila chrysaetos L. |
Golden Eagle |
EN |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
11 |
Hieraaetus pennatus Gmelin |
Booted Eagle |
EN |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Falconidae |
12 |
Falco tinnunculus L. |
Common Kestrel |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
II |
13 |
Falco subbuteo L. |
Eurasian Hobby |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
14 |
Falco eleonorae Géné |
Eleonora's Falcon |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
II |
15 |
Falco peregrinus Tunstall |
Peregrine Falcon |
LC |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
Tetraonidae |
16 |
Tetrastes (Bonasa) bonasia L. |
Hazel Grouse |
DD |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
17 |
Tetrao urogallus L. |
Capercaillie |
VU |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
Phasianidae |
18 |
Alectoris graeca Meisner |
Rock Partridge |
VU |
NT |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
19 |
Coturnix coturnix L. |
Common Quail |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Charadriidae |
20 |
Charadrius dubius Scopoli |
Little Ringed Plover |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
Scolopidae |
21 |
Scolopax rusticola L. |
Eurasian Woodcock |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Columbidae |
22 |
Columba livia J.F. Gmelin |
Rock Pigeon |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
23 |
Columba oenas L. |
Stock Pigeon |
NT |
LC |
24 |
Columba palumbus L. |
Wood Pigeon |
NE |
LC |
25 |
Streptopelia turtur L. |
Turtle Dove |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
Cuculidae |
26 |
Cuculus canorus L. |
Common Cuckoo |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
Strigidae |
27 |
Otus scops L. |
European Scops Owl |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
28 |
Bubo bubo L. |
Eurasian Eagle-Owl |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
20 |
Glaucidium passerinum L. |
Eurasian Pygmy Owl |
NE |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
30 |
Athene noctua L. |
Little Owl |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
31 |
Asio otus L. |
Long-eared Owl |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
32 |
Strix aluco L. |
Tawny Owl |
NE |
LC |
II |
33 |
Aegolius funereus L. |
Boreal Owl |
DD |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Caprimulgidae |
34 |
Caprimulgus europaeus L. |
European Nightjar |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
Apodidae |
35 |
Apus apus L. |
Common Swift |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
36 |
Tachymarptis (Apus) melba L. |
Alpine Swift |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Meropidae |
37 |
Merops apiaster L. |
European Bee-eater |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
II |
Coracidae |
38 |
Coracias garrulus L. |
European Roller |
VU |
NT |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
II |
Upupidae |
39 |
Upupa epops L. |
Hoopoe |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Picidae |
40 |
Jynx torquilla L. |
Eurasian Wryneck |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
41 |
Picus canus J.F. Gmelin |
Grey-headed Woodpecker |
NT |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
42 |
Picus viridis L. |
European Green Woodpecker |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
43 |
Dryocopus martius L. |
Black Woodpecker |
LC |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
44 |
Dendrocopos major L. |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
45 |
Dendrocopos syriacus Hemprich & Ehrenberg |
Syrian Woodpecker |
NE |
LC |
+ |
II |
46 |
Dendrocopos medius L. |
Middle Spotted Woodpecker |
LC |
LC |
+ |
II |
47 |
Dendrocopos leucotos Bechstein |
White-backed Woodpecker |
NT |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
48 |
Dendrocopos minor L. |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
49 |
Picoides tridactylus L. |
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker |
DD |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Alaudidae |
50 |
Melanocorypha calandra L. |
Calandra Lark |
VU |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
51 |
Calandrella brachydactyla Leisler |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
NE |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
52 |
Galerida cristata C.L. Brehm |
Crested Lark |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
53 |
Lullula arborea L. |
Woodlark |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
54 |
Alauda arvensis L. |
Alauda |
NT |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
Hirundidae |
55 |
Riparia riparia L. |
Sand Martin |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
56 |
Ptyonoprogne (Hirundo) rupestris Scopoli |
Crag Martin |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
57 |
Hirundo rustica L. |
Barn Swallow |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
58 |
Cecropis (Hirundo) daurica Laxman |
Red-rumped Swallow |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
59 |
Delichon urbicum L.(syn. Hirundo urbica) |
House Martin |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
Motacillidae |
60 |
Anthus campestris L. |
Tawny Pipit |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
61 |
Anthus trivialis L. |
Tree Pipit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
62 |
Anthus spinoletta L. |
Water Pipit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
63 |
Motacilla flava L. |
Yellow Wagtail |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
64 |
Motacilla cinerea Tunstall |
Grey Wagtail |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
65 |
Motacilla alba L. |
White Wagtail |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Cinclidae |
66 |
Cinclus cinclus L. |
White-throated Dipper |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Troglodytidae |
67 |
Troglodytes troglodytes L. |
Eurasian Wren |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
ΙΙ |
Prunellidae |
68 |
Prunella modularis L. |
Dunnock |
NE |
LC |
II |
69 |
Prunella collaris Scopoli |
Alpine Accentor |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Turdidae |
70 |
Erithacus rubecula L. |
European Robin |
NE |
LC |
II |
71 |
Luscinia megarhynchos C.L. Brehm |
Nightingale |
NE |
LC |
II |
72 |
Phoenicurus ochruros S.G. Gmelin |
Black Redstart |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
73 |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus L. |
Common Redstart |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
74 |
Saxicola rubetra L. |
Whinchat |
NE |
LC |
II |
75 |
Saxicola torquatus L. |
African Stonechat |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
76 |
Oenanthe isabellina Temminck |
Isabelline Wheatear |
NT |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
77 |
Oenanthe oenanthe L. |
Northern Wheatear |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
78 |
Monticola saxatilis L. |
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
79 |
Turdus torquatus L. |
Ring Ouzel |
NE |
LC |
II |
80 |
Turdus merula L. |
Blackbird |
NE |
LC |
81 |
Turdus philomelos C.L. Brehm |
Song Thrush |
NE |
LC |
82 |
Turdus viscivorus L. |
Mistle Thrush |
NE |
LC |
Sylviidae |
83 |
Cettia cetti Temminck |
Cetti's Warbler |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
84 |
Acrocephalus palustris Bechstein |
Marsh Warbler |
NE |
LC |
II |
85 |
Hippolais pallida Hemprich & Ehrenberg |
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
86 |
Sylvia cantillans Pallas |
Subalpine Warbler |
NE |
LC |
II |
87 |
Sylvia melanocephala J.F. Gmelin |
Sardinian Warbler |
NE |
LC |
II |
88 |
Sylvia crassirostris Cretzschmar(syn. Sylvia hortensis) |
Eastern Orphean Warbler |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
89 |
Sylvia nisoria Bechstein |
Barred Warbler |
NT |
LC |
+ |
II |
90 |
Sylvia curruca L. |
Lesser Whitethroat |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
ΙΙ |
91 |
Sylvia communis Latham |
Whitethroat |
NE |
LC |
IΙ |
92 |
Sylvia atricapilla L. |
Blackcap |
NE |
LC |
ΙΙ |
93 |
Phylloscopus orientalis C.L. Brehm(syn. Phylloscopus bonelli) |
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
ΙΙ |
94 |
Phylloscopus sibilatrix Bechstein |
Wood Warbler |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
ΙΙ |
95 |
Phylloscopus collybita Vieillot |
Common Chiffchaff |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
96 |
Regulus regulus L. |
Goldcrest |
NE |
LC |
II |
97 |
Regulus ignicapilla Temminck |
Firecrest |
NE |
LC |
II |
Muscicapidae |
98 |
Muscicapa striata Pallas |
Spotted Flycatcher |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
II |
99 |
Ficedula parva Bechstein |
Red-breasted Flycatcher |
DD |
LC |
+ |
Non-SPEC |
II |
II |
Aegithalidae |
100 |
Aegithalos caudatus L. |
Long-tailed Tit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
Paridae |
101 |
Poecile (Parus) palustris L. |
Marsh Tit |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
102 |
Poecile (Parus) lugubris Temminck |
Sombre Tit |
NE |
LC |
II |
103 |
Parus montanus von Baldenstein |
Willow Tit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
104 |
Lophophanes (Parus) cristatus L. |
Crested Tit |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
105 |
Periparus (Parus) ater L. |
Coal Tit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
106 |
Cyanistes (Parus) caeruleus L. |
Blue Tit |
NE |
LC |
II |
107 |
Parus major L. |
Great Tit |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Sittidae |
108 |
Sitta europaea L. |
Eurasian Nuthatch |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
109 |
Sitta neumayer Michahelles |
Western Rock Nuthatch |
NE |
LC |
II |
Certhiidae |
110 |
Certhia familiaris L. |
Common Treecreeper |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
111 |
Certhia brachydactyla C.L. Brehm |
Short-toed Treecreeper |
NE |
LC |
II |
Oriolidae |
112 |
Oriolus oriolus L. |
Eurasian Golden Oriole |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
Laniidae |
113 |
Lanius collurio L. |
Red-backed Shrike |
NE |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 3 |
II |
114 |
Lanius minor J.F. Gmelin |
Lesser Grey Shrike |
NT |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
II |
115 |
Lanius excubitor L. |
Northern Shrike |
DD |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
116 |
Lanius senator L. |
Woodchat Shrike |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
Corvidae |
117 |
Garrulus glandarius L. |
Eurasian Jay |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
118 |
Pica pica L. |
Eurasian Magpie |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
119 |
Nucifraga caryocatactes L. |
Spotted Nutcracker |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
120 |
Corvus monedula L. |
Jackdaw |
NE |
LC |
121 |
Corvus corone L. |
Carrion Crow |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
122 |
Corvus corax L. |
Common Raven |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
Passeridae |
123 |
Passer montanus L. |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
124 |
Passer domesticus L. |
House Sparrow |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
Fringillidae |
125 |
Fringilla coelebs L. |
Chaffinch |
NE |
LC |
126 |
Serinus serinus L. |
European Serin |
NE |
LC |
II |
127 |
Carduelis chloris L. |
European Greenfinch |
NE |
LC |
II |
128 |
Carduelis carduelis L. |
European Goldfinch |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
129 |
Carduelis spinus L. |
Eurasian Siskin |
NE |
LC |
II |
130 |
Carduelis cannabina L. |
Linnet |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
131 |
Loxia curvirostra L. |
Red Crossbill |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
II |
132 |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula L. |
Eurasian Bullfinch |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
133 |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes L. |
Hawfinch |
NE |
LC |
Non-SPEC |
ΙΙ |
Emberizidae |
134 |
Emberiza citrinella L. |
Yellowhammer |
NE |
LC |
II |
135 |
Emberiza cirlus L. |
Cirl Bunting |
NE |
LC |
II |
136 |
Emberiza cia L. |
Rock Bunting |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 3 |
II |
137 |
Emberiza hortulana L. |
Ortolan Bunting |
LC |
LC |
+ |
SPEC 2 |
138 |
Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli |
Black-headed Bunting |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
II |
139 |
Emberiza (Miliaria) calandra L. |
Corn Bunting |
NE |
LC |
SPEC 2 |
- NATURA 2000 |
- Hellenic Zoological Society. (2009). Red List of Threatened species of Greece |
- Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public works . (2002). Environmental Study of the Rodopi Mountain Range |
- Joint Ministerial Decision 33318/3028/11-12-1998 |
- Joint Ministerial Decision 14849/853/Ε103/4-4-2008 |
- BirdLife International - Hellenic Ornithological Society (2009). Conservation review |
- Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public works . (2009). Program reassessment 69 Important Bird Areas for their classification as Special Protection Areas for Birds. |
Glossary for the table of Avifauna |
Red List of Threatened species of Greece / IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: |
CR: Critically Endangered |
ΕΝ : Endangered |
VU: Vulnerable |
ΝΤ: Near Threatened |
LC: Least Concern |
DD: Data Deficient |
ΝΕ: Not Evaluated |
+ : Annex I |
SPEC Categories 2004 (BirdLife International): |
SPEC 1: Species of global conservation concern, i.e. classified as globally threatened, Near Threatened or Data Deficient (BirdLife International 2004a; IUCN 2004). |
SPEC 2: Concentrated in Europe and with an Unfavourable Conservation Status. |
SPEC 3: Not concentrated in Europe but with an Unfavourable Conservation Status. |
Non-SPECE : Concentrated in Europe but with a Favourable Conservation Status. |
Non-SPEC: Not concentrated in Europe and with a Favourable Conservation Status. |
Bern Convention: |
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species) |
III : Appendix III (Protected fauna species) |
Bonn Convention: |
I :Appendix I (Endangered migratory species) |
II : Appendix II ( Migratory species that require or would benefit significantly from international co-operative Agreements under the Bonn Convention) |