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The rich diversity of mammals which dwells inside the forests of the RMNP had as result the integration of large areas into the Natura 2000 network and the characterization of the whole area of the RMNP as “protected”. According to the Environmental Study of the Rodopi Mountain-Range, in the area of the park can be met 57 mammalian species from which 14 of them are referred to the Annex II of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. The RMNP is one of the last refuges for the Brown Bear in Greece. The Brown Bear is threatened to extinction in Greece according to The Red Data Book of Greece, and is mentioned as a species of community interest under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and one of the largest carnivores that exist.
Other significant species of the region are the Chamois which dwells onto the steep slopes of Rodopi (the main population dwells at the old growth virgin forest of Frakto), the Red Deer which in Greece is threatened with extinction since the total population of the country is 20-30 individuals, the European Otter and many Bat species which according to The Red Data Book of Greece and the IUCN Red list, are mentioned as vulnerable, like the Daubenton's Bat, the Greater Noctule Bat and Geoffroy's Bat.
Other species which can be found in the RMNP are the Wolf (which in Greece is characterized as vulnerable), the Roe Deer, the Wild Boar, the European Wildcat, etc.
Following there is an indicative table of the mammals of the RMNP:
Mammalia of the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park (RMNP) and conservation status |
No |
IUCN Red List |
Erinaceidae |
1 |
Eastern European Hedgehog |
NE |
LC |
Soricidae |
2 |
Crocidura leucodon Hermann |
Bicolored Shrew |
NE |
LC |
3 |
Crocidura suaveolens Pallas |
Lesser White-toothed Shrew |
NE |
LC |
4 |
Sorex araneus L. |
Common Shrew |
NE |
LC |
Talpidae |
5 |
Talpa europaea L. |
European Mole |
DD |
LC |
Rhinolophidae |
6 |
Rhinolophus blasii Peters |
Blasius's horseshoe bat |
NT |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
7 |
Rhinolophus euryale Blasius |
Mediterranean horseshoe bat |
NT |
NT |
II, IV |
II |
8 |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Schreber |
Greater Horseshoe Bat |
LC |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
9 |
Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechstein |
Lesser Horseshoe Bat |
LC |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
Mollosidae |
10 |
Tadarida teniotis Rafinesque |
European Free-tailed Bat | LC | LC | IV | II |
Vespertilionidae |
11 |
Barbastella barbastellus Schreber |
Barbastelle | EN | NT | II, IV | II |
12 | Eptesicus serotinus Schreber | Serotine | LC | LC | IV | II |
13 | Hypsugo savii Bonaparte |
Savi's pipistrelle | LC | LC | IV | II |
14 |
Miniopterus schreibersii Kuhl |
Common Bentwing Bat |
NT |
NT |
II, IV |
II |
15 |
Myotis alcathoe von Helversen and Heller |
Alcathoe Myotis |
DD |
DD |
IV |
II |
16 |
Myotis aurascens Kuhl |
Steppe Whiskered Bar |
DD |
LC |
IV |
II |
17 |
Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl |
Bechstein's Bat |
NT |
NT |
II, IV |
II |
18 |
Myotis blythi Tomes |
Lesser Mouse-eared Bat |
LC |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
19 |
Myotis capaccinii Bonaparte |
Long-fingered Bat | NT | VU | II, IV | II |
20 |
Myotis daubentonii Kuhl |
Daubenton's Bat |
VU |
LC |
IV |
II |
21 |
Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy |
Geoffroy's Bat |
NT |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
22 |
Myotis myotis Borkhausen |
Greater Mouse-eared Bat |
NT |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
23 |
Myotis nattereri Kuhl |
Natterer's bat | NT | LC | IV | II |
24 |
Nyctalus lasiopterus Schreber |
Greater Noctule Bat |
VU |
NT |
IV |
II |
25 |
Nyctalus leisleri Kuhl |
Lesser Noctule |
LC |
LC |
IV |
II |
26 |
Nyctalus noctula Schreber |
Noctule | DD | LC | IV | II |
27 |
Pipistrellus kuhlii Kuhl |
Kuhl's Pipistrelle |
LC |
LC |
IV |
II |
28 |
Pipistrellus nathusii Keyserling & Blasius |
Nathusius' Pipistrelle |
DD |
LC |
IV |
II |
29 |
Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber |
Common Pipistrelle | DD | LC | IV | III |
30 |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus Leach |
Soprano Pipistrelle | DD | LC | IV | II |
31 |
Plecotus auritus L. | Brown long-eared bat | VU | LC | IV | II |
32 |
Plecotus austriacus J.B. Fischer | Grey long-eared bat | DD | LC | IV | II |
33 |
Vespertilio murinus L. |
Parti-coloured Bat |
DD |
LC |
IV |
II |
Leporidae |
34 |
Lepus europaeus Pallas |
European Hare |
NE |
LC |
(III) |
Sciuridae |
35 |
Sciurus vulgaris L. |
Red Squirrel |
NE |
LC |
Gliridae |
36 |
Glis glis L. |
Edible Dormouse |
NE |
LC |
37 |
Dryomys nitedula Pallas |
Forest Dormouse |
DD |
LC |
IV |
38 |
Muscardinus avellanarius L. |
Hazel Dormouse |
DD |
LC |
IV |
Arvicolidae |
39 |
Chionomys (Microtus) nivalis Martins |
European Snow Vole |
LC |
LC |
(III) |
40 |
Microtus arvalis Pallas |
Common Vole |
LC |
41 |
Microtus (Pitymys) subterraneus De Sélys-Longchamps |
European Pine Vole |
NT |
LC |
42 |
Myodes (Clethrionomys) glareolus Schreber |
Bank Vole |
NT |
LC |
Muridae |
43 |
Apodemus agrarius Pallas |
Striped Field Mouse |
NE |
LC |
44 |
Apodemus flavicollis Melchior |
Yellow-necked Mouse |
NE |
LC |
45 |
Apodemus mystacinus Danford & Alston |
Broad-toothed Field Mouse |
NE |
LC |
46 |
Apodemus sylvaticus L. |
Wood Mouse |
NE |
LC |
47 |
Mus abbotti Waterhouse (syn. Mus domesticus Rutty, Mus musculus L.) |
House Mouse |
NE |
LC |
Canidae |
48 |
Canis lupus L. |
Gray Wolf |
VU |
LC |
V |
II |
49 |
Vulpes vulpes L. |
Red Fox |
NE |
LC |
Ursidae |
50 |
Ursus arctos L. |
Brown Bear |
EN |
LC |
II, IV |
II |
Mustelidae |
51 |
Martes foina Erxleben |
Beech Marten |
NE |
LC |
52 |
Meles meles L. |
Eurasian Badger |
NE |
LC |
53 |
Mustela nivalis L. |
Least Weasel |
NE |
LC |
54 |
Mustela putorius L. |
European poleca |
NE |
LC |
55 |
Lutra lutra L. |
European Otter |
EN |
NT |
II, IV |
II |
Felidae |
56 |
Felis silvestris Schreber |
Wild Cat |
NE |
LC |
IV |
II |
Suidae |
57 |
Sus scrofa L. |
Boar |
NE |
LC |
Cervidae |
58 |
Cervus elaphus L. |
Red Deer |
CR |
LC |
59 |
Capreolus capreolus L. |
Roe Deer |
VU |
LC |
Bovidae |
60 |
Rupicapra rupicapra (L.) ssp. balcanica Bolkay |
Chamois |
NT |
LC |
II |
- NATURA 2000 |
- IUCN 2018. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2018-1. |
- Hellenic Zoological Society. (2009). Red List of Threatened species of Greece |
- Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning & Public Works (H.M.E.P.P.P.W.), (2002). Special Environmental Study (S.E.S.) of the Rodopi Mountain-Range. [The file folder and content of the S.E.S. is based on the compilation and evaluation of the studies Tsiaoussi et. al. 1996 (Specific Management Plan for the site Periochi Elatia (GR1140003). Greek Biotope-Wetland Centre), Christoforidou et. al. 1998 (Special Environmental Study of Frakto - Haidou Koula and Surrounding Peaks. Prefecture of Drama) and Gatzogiannis et. al. 1999 (Special Environmental Study of the Rodopi region. Project LIFE- NATURE, ARCTOS (Phase II)/ LIFE96 NAT/GR/003222) and has been approved by the 186837/3275/25.9.2006 decision of the General Secretariat for Environment of the H.M.E.P.P.P.W.]. Vol. A & B. Athens: pp 513. |
- Zidarova S. 2006. Small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia and Lagomorpha) of the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). |
- Mertzanis, G., Galanaki, A., Georgiakakis, P., Iliopoulos, G., Theodoropoulos, I. Kominos, Th., Kontsiotis, B., Papaioannou, H., Palaskas, D., Tragos, A., Tsiaras, D. and Nouska, P. 2015. Phases A',B', C’: Act: «Surveillance and assessment of the conservation status of the mammalian species of Community Interest in the Rodopi Mountain-Range National Park». Contractor: D. Tsiaras- A. Tsiaras. |
Glossary for the table of Mammalia |
Red List of Threatened species of Greece / IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: |
CR: Critically Endangered |
ΕΝ : Endangered |
VU: Vulnerable |
ΝΤ: Near Threatened |
LC: Least Concern |
DD: Data Deficient |
ΝΕ: Not Evaluated |
Council Directive 92/43/EEC: |
II : Annex II (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation) |
IV: Annex IV (Animal and Plant species of community interest in need of strict protection) |
V: Annex V (Animal and Plant species of community interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures) |
Bern Convention: |
II : Appendix II (Strictly protected fauna species) |
III : Appendix III (Protected fauna species) |